It is impossible to finish Fethiye in 1 day. For this reason, before making a vacation plan for Fethiye, we recommend that you plan it for at least 5 days. Some of the natural beauties you can visit in these 5 days are listed below. You can also add in the comments section.
- Ölüdeniz, Kumburnu, Belcekız Beach
- Kabak Cove
- Çalış Beach
- Büyük ve Küçük Samanlık Beach
- Kuleli Beach
- Büyük ve Küçük Boncuklu Beach
- Aksazlar Beach
- Turunç Pınarı Cove
- Şövalye Island
- Kalemya Cove,
- Serenity,
- Kıdrak, Kabak Cove,
- Darboğaz Cove,
- Akvaryum Cove,
- Gemile Cove,
- Karataş Cove
- Karaot Cove
- Akmaz Cove
- Yanıklar Cove
- Denizkent, Koca Çalış Beach
- Katrancı Cove
- Günlüklü Cove
- Soğuk Su Beach
- Deve Cove
- Göcek and 12 Island
- Rhodes
Day Trips from Fethiye
- Fethiye to Saklikent.
- Fethiye to Rhodes.
- Fethiye to Duger.
- Fethiye to Gocek.
- Fethiye to Uzunyurt.
- Fethiye to Girmeler.
- Fethiye to Kayakoy.
- Fethiye to Dalaman.
Reasons to vacation in Fethiye
Unique natural beauties have made Fethiye a unique tourism and holiday destination. If you want to make a daily, weekly, monthly, long or short-term vacation in Fethiye, you can contact me here for affordable accommodation and alternatives in Fethiye.